Head of Zeus UK Editions
Head of Zeus is publishing THIS VIRTUAL NIGHT in the UK and Commonwealth. They’ll also be producing an ebook for THIS ALIEN SHORE for that market. (About time someone did!)

Escape the Chaos of 2020
Woo hoo! THIS VIRTUAL NIGHT has been listed as one of Newsweek’s 25 Must-Read Fiction and Non-Fiction Books to Escape the Chaos of 2020. Check out the awesome review:

This Alien Shore UK Trade Edition
Harper has just re-released THIS ALIEN SHORE in trade format for the UK/Commonwealth market.

Starred Review
Check out this starred review from Publisher’s Weekly, for THIS VIRTUAL NIGHT:

This Virtual Night
When deep-space travel altered the genes of the first interstellar colonists, Earth abandoned them. But some of the colonies survived, and a new civilization of mental and physical “Variants” has been established, centered around clusters of space stations known as the outworlds.
Now the unthinkable has happened: a suicide assault has destroyed the life support system of a major waystation. All that is known about the young men responsible is that in their last living moments they were receiving messages from an uninhabited sector of space, and were playing a virtual reality game.
Two unlikely allies have joined forces to investigate the incident: Ru Gaya, a mercenary explorer with a taste for high risk ventures, and game designer Micah Bello, who must find the parties responsible for the attack in order to clear his name. From the corridors of a derelict station lost to madness to an outlaw stronghold in the depths of uncharted space, the two now follow the trail of an enemy who can twist human minds to his purpose, and whose plans could bring about the collapse of outworld civilization.
This Virtual Night Excerpt
The dragons were out in force tonight.
Ramiro tried to keep to shadows as he moved, but the narrow stone corridor didn’t offer a lot of cover, and the flickering light from torches set high on the walls kept shadows constantly moving. Which meant that the evasive maneuvers they’d used to avoid the Citadel’s reptilian guards aboveground wouldn’t work here. If any dragons crossed their path while they were down in the labyrinth, the two of them were done for.
“Should be coming up soon,” Van whispered nervously. He glanced down at the crumpled parchment map in his hand. “Any minute now.”
You’ve been saying that for an hour, Ramiro thought.
The labyrinth was ancient, a maze of tunnels whose masonry had been degraded by centuries of rainwater seeping from above; the floor was littered with fragments of fallen brick, making walking treacherous. As they picked their way carefully over the rubble, Ramiro was acutely aware of the tons of earth poised overhead, held at bay by nothing more than rotting mortar and a prayer. How does the gaming program do that? he wondered. The virt software that was controlling his sensory input could add anything to the environment that a person could touch, taste, hear, or see, but what physical experience conjured such a sense of claustrophobia? What tangible sensations translated into dread?
read more…

New Covers

New Edition of This Alien Shore
DAW is bringing out a trade version of This Alien Shore, with a brand new cover. Stay tuned for pics

This Virtual Night Coming in 2020
ON ITS WAY….THIS VIRTUAL NIGHT, set in the same universe as her bestselling novel THIS ALIEN SHORE. The manuscript is about to be delivered to DAW, and the hardcover and Ebook are scheduled for release on October 2020. Updates will be posted here.

Balticon 54
Yes, Celia’s attending this year, so if you’d like to get a book signed or chat with her, that’s the place to be. Details of her schedule will be posted here as they’re finalized.