The following people have graciously offered me their support on Patreon, where I am sharing news, articles, and excepts from current projects, as well as hosting AMAs and special Discord events. Come join us at
- Ben Barlow
- Andrew Burdick
- Sean Dustman
- Kai Ellis
- Forthyn
- Kaley
- Stefan Gore
- Rebecca Hogg
- David Huffmann-Walddon
- Natarajan Krishnaswami
- L. K. Ingino
- Maggie Leake
- Yola Leroch
- Jeszika Le Vye
- Leif Lindholm
- Lostelf
- Zora McBride
- Meg Mac Donald
- Lori Murray
- Steve Nicoll
- Bernice Nuss
- Matt Platt
- PrimalWyld
- John Rentschler
- Emma Richards
- Corry Rogerson
- Toni Rose
- Tim Rosenberg
- Sanity
- Derek Sheppler
- Ilana Sprongl
- Christine Swendseid
- Dennis Smith
- Undermost Salamander
- Connie Webster
- Joshua Wentz